Home Hacking News Hackers Crash Macs Using Dos Attacks

Hackers Crash Macs Using Dos Attacks

by Unallocated Author

Once again Hackers are targeting Apple products and customers, but this time the malware they used can easily crash Macs by creating draft emails again and again until your device freezes due to system overload.

Malwarebytes, a popular security company already warns that the attackers are exploiting the vulnerabilities in Safari and the Mail app to use up the total amount of RAM your system has and crash the device.

The task this malware does is really simple, it creates email drafts over and over until the Mac can no longer handle them and then crashes.

To infect a user, the attacker must make a user click on a link that is delivered to him by email.That is the first step to infect them. If you receive a link from someone you do not know, do not open it. There is a great chance that it spreads malware.

According to Malware bytes, if the user receives emails from any of these two emails, they have to delete them without having to look.They are dean.jones9875@gmail.com and amannn.2917@gmail.com. There is a great chance that the attacker might use other emails so keep an eye on your inbox if you want to be safe.

According to the security firm, the malware spreads using a number of compromised websites, including (but not limited to) the following: safari-get[.]net, safari-get[.]com, safari-serverhost[.]net. and safari-serverhost[.]com Of course, much more might be compromised already, so again, don’t click on links that you don’t trust.

How you can block attacks

First and foremost, if you’re running the latest version of macOS (10.12.2), you’re already secure. Malwarebytes says that Apple has already included a fix in this particular version and in the latest betas, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re entirely safe and you should open any links without caution.

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