Thousands of Fines Suspended in Response to Victoria’s Bugged Cameras

A few weeks ago, you might have heard about Australia’s speed camera programs and red light camera programs taking a severe hit in Victoria. In fact, reports show that the hacked cameras went weeks without being noticed.

The cause of this massive malfunction was (possibly) linked to the WannaCry ransomware attack that recently struck the virtual world. A couple months later and thousands are still reeling in the aftermath of the colossal cyber-attack.

There’s a small light at the end of the tunnel however, as anyone in Victoria, Australia with a speeding ticket from the 6th of June and on will be given leeway until further notice. Authorities are planning to observe the cameras and reassign tickets accordingly (and fairly).

Doug Fryer, Assistant Police Commissioner of the Victorian community, released a statement:

“I’ve decided to withdraw all infringements statewide since the 6th of June in fairness to the Victorian community. That doesn’t mean they won’t be reissued. What it means is of the 280 cameras we have operating across Victoria, I need as the responsible enforcement officer to be absolutely sure that the 280 cameras were working correctly.”

Although the fines are only suspended, traffic law experts are also apparently urging fine-holders to challenge their discrepancies in court.

“Almost 10,000 fines have been withdrawn or suspended in case they are incorrect. A review is under way by Road Safety Camera Commissioner John Voyage, who will decide if fines issued between June 6 and 22, when the virus was on the cameras, will stand. Even if Mr. Voyage rules they will, traffic lawyer Michael Kuzilny said drivers should seriously consider challenging a fine in court.”

It comes down to whether or not the legal hassle is worth it. For some, saving a few hundred bucks (depending) is a huge deal. For others, it’s not even worth the consideration. Regardless, those reviewing the footage sure have a long day ahead of them.

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