Home Did you know ? How to secure your business against cyber threats

How to secure your business against cyber threats

by Mic Johnson

Digital data is of prime importance nowadays since almost every business has its presence online and uses the internet to enhance its services or products. Security against cyber threats has become a need since cyber attacks can wreak havoc on a company and has the power to bring it down to a complete collapse.

This article lets us understand how critical cyber attack is for any business, institute, and organization and how we can proactively deal with cyber threats. The insurance market has evolved around the globe hence Insurance companies have focused on transformation through mobile app development to have maximum customer acquisitions. Through mobile apps and AI integration, insurance companies are able to beat their competitors so it has become crucial to keep the customer’s information safe and secure which will further help to retain customers and sustain in the market. Mobile application security is the protection of applications from external threats such as viruses and other computer threats. These viruses and malware can put hackers at risk for your financial and other critical data. At the same time, the security of insurance app development is crucial in today’s digital environment. A  security breach of a mobile device can allow hackers to gain access to users’ personal information. Also give them other important information like bank information, current location, etc.

Hardware and Network security:

It is the first step in securing your digital data. Keeping the business computers, access points, servers, and data points in a secure location under 24×7 CCTV protection is of prime importance to businesses that deal with sensitive customer data. A business should have its hardware protected in such a way that only authorized personnel can have access to it.

Data Storage Security:

While the data is stored on various hard drives, what matters is how it is stored. Sensitive data must be stored in an encrypted drive so that its access is only granted with permission. Industries like banks, Insurance companies, and healthcare deal with sensitive data; hence, websites and portals of this kind of business must be designed and developed using advanced and integrated technologies. Protect and running an online business website plays a key role. It must be developed by a team of experienced technocrats who are versed to designed and developing security-integrated websites. Moreover, NAS(Network Assisted Storage) storage devices should also be protected physically since non-encrypted data can be easily accessed from them. All forms of data storage should be put under proper physical and software security to prevent disruptive attacks.

E-Mail Security:

E-Mail is among the most common and widely used communication mediums within any organization and business community. Over the internet, phishing and spam attacks are very obvious these days, which may further penetrate and destroy businesses. Types of attacks that can be performed through email to gain access to a host computer/system. Spam filters are very helpful in preventing spam attacks, and proper firewall and email antivirus implementations can prevent unwanted attachments/malware from getting downloaded.

Securing your business data access framework:

Communications over the internet between employees are an everyday chore every business participates in. So, securing Wi-Fi and creating a secured VPN ( Virtual Private Network) exclusively for employees will ensure that communication is done safely. Also, monitoring these services and users around the clock will prevent hackers from eavesdropping on a private communication network.

Enforcing proper password protocols:

Password hacks are the most common ways to breach a system, as most people use passwords for authentication. To secure passwords, one should use a combination of various allowed characters and create a strong password. There are programs available that can remember your passwords securely. A strong random password is more secure and immune to brute-force password hacking attempts.

Proper anti-malware software:

Free-antimalware software might cut down business costs but can bankrupt a business too. Every business that has sensitive data and has a digital system should invest in professional paid software and keep it updated regularly. All the devices which are somehow connected to the internet must have anti-malware installed and firewall protection enabled. Updates to the software are the key to keeping your computers safe since, with every update, new information about the latest malware is added to the database to identify and stop cyber attacks.

Limited data access:

Access to the business mainframe must be limited by implementing strict protocols to ensure that only authorized people can access information. It is also helpful if the access to data is behind keycards or codes supplied to eligible employees only. In case of a data breach, it is easier to assess the damage and take appropriate steps if the data breach point is known.

Proper use of encryption and encrypted network:

Data communication and storage are further enhanced with the encryption of data. Communication between the customer and the business or even between business employees must be conducted under encryption. This ensures that eavesdroppers (hackers) who might gain access to the network cannot decipher the data. This can protect the customers and the business from leaking personal and financial information.

Educated Employees:

Protecting a business from cyber attacks is better if employees are trained to identify and take proper measures. Proper protocol of usage of business networks and proper training on handling business data must be provided to employees so that they can take proper measures to protect the business against cyber threats.

Updated Backup:

Backups are the most vital and last stage of data protection against cyber attacks. Backups of the system data or entire data must be stored in a secured location. Steps should be taken so that in extreme scenarios, the latest backup data can be obtained. Updates to backup data must be done by qualified personnel. Also, multiple sessions and instances of backup data can be stored in different physical locations or the cloud to ensure that it can be easily accessed in time of need.

With various threats of cyber security ranging from localized attacks to wide and disruptive attempts, proper measures must be taken to secure a business to keep it running properly.

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