Lobotomy is a command line based Android reverse engineering tool.
- Components:
- Permission
- Strings
- Attack Surface
- Surgical
- Interact
- UI
- De-compile
- De-buggable
- Dextra
- Socket
Download and Install:
Components required for python-adb
brew install openssl
brew install swig
env LDFLAGS="-L$(brew --prefix openssl)/lib" \ CFLAGS="-I$(brew --prefix openssl)/include" \ SWIG_FEATURES="-cpperraswarn -includeall -I$(brew --prefix openssl)/include" \
Now enter the following code to create a python virtual environment for Lobotomy:
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 lobotomy cd lobotomy/ source bin/activate
Install PIP requirements
pip install -r requirements
Install Androguard
cd core/include/androguard python setup.py install
python lobotomy.py : : : t#, t#, t#, i ;##W. . ;##W. ;##W. LE :#L:WE Ef. :#L:WE GEEEEEEEL :#L:WE .. : f. ;WE. L#E .KG ,#D E#Wi .KG ,#D ,;;L#K;;. .KG ,#D ,W, .Et E#, i#G G#W. EE ;#f E#K#D: EE ;#f t#E EE ;#f t##, ,W#t E#t f#f D#K. f#. t#iE#t,E#f. f#. t#i t#E f#. t#i L###, j###t E#t G#i E#K. :#G GK E#WEE##Wt:#G GK t#E :#G GK .E#j##, G#fE#t E#jEW, .E#E. ;#L LW. E##Ei;;;;.;#L LW. t#E ;#L LW. ;WW; ##,:K#i E#t E##E. .K#E t#f f#: E#DWWt t#f f#: t#E t#f f#: j#E. ##f#W, E#t E#G .K#D f#D#; E#t f#K; f#D#; t#E f#D#; .D#L ###K: E#t E#t .W#G G#t E#Dfff##E, G#t t#E G#t :K#t ##D. E#t E#t :W##########Wt t jLLLLLLLLL; t fE t ... #G .. EE. :,,,,,,,,,,,,,. : j t (lobotomy)
For additional documentation please visit this link.