Home Did you know ? Making the Most of the Facebook Social ToolKit Extension

Making the Most of the Facebook Social ToolKit Extension

by Unallocated Author

There are a million reasons why downloading the browser extension “Facebook Social Tool-Kit” is beneficial. For starters, you have access to a variety of different commands not normally accessed in Facebook. You can choose between account tools, extraction tools, removal tools, emoticons, background, and other random things.

Of course, there are several options offered by FST that are more valuable than others. For starters, you can accept and delete all friend requests at once. This is especially useful for social media profiles that are catered more towards followers than physicality.

Let’s go over some other useful features:

Utilizing the “all” feature

As mentioned above, FST allows you to accept/reject all pending friend requests. That’s not it though – it also lets you click all pokes/poke backs, all “add friend” buttons, and you can even post on all of your liked pages.

Extraction Options

The extraction options on FST are extremely useful; especially for gathering information on people or pages/groups. The toolkit offers a couple free tools and multiple premium tools.

  • FREE: ID Extractor, Extract Friend IDs
  • PREMIUM: Extract Group Emails, Extract Group IDs, Extract User Likes, Extract Public Phone Numbers of Friends, Extract Emails of Friends

Although before you go and purchase the premium membership, consider finding other options online for extraction purposes.

Extreme Deletion 

FST also provides you with extreme deletion. You can unlike all of the Facebook pages you’ve ever stumbled across. You can unfollow or unfriend all of your Facebook friends. You can delete all comments or unfollow/leave all groups.


This tool is also a great way to mess with your friends. If you’re ever in an argument and your friend won’t hate you for crashing their browser, you can like every single visible comment on the page all at once. I’ve used this tool personally and I’ve also had it used on me. It sucks…but all is fair in love and war, right?

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