In many PC’s multiple users maybe using the same single account in Windows to use the computer. So in case you wanna hide a particular passwords or any other important stuffs in the form of text then this trick would help you hide it easily. By using the Command Prompt you can easily hide texts inside an image.
Here Is The Step By Step Procedure :
Step 1: Create a folder with the name of your choice anywhere in your PC
Step 2: Create a new text document inside the folder you created, for example here i have created a doc under the name “test”.
Step 3: Open the text document you have created and type in the text u wanna hide inside an image. After typing save the file.
Step 4: Copy the image in which you want to hide this text document to the folder where u can created the doc.
Step 5: Open the Command Prompt and type the command “cd desktop” and “cd Latest Hacking News”. I can used cd desktop because the folder i have created is located in the desktop, if you had created the folder in any other place then u need to mention it’s path and also in place of Latest Hacking News you need to give the name of the folder you have created.
Step 6: Now type “dir” and press enter. You can see the two files in the folder directory latesthackingnews.png and test.txt.
Step 7: Now type “copy /b latesthackingnews.png+test.txt =myphoto.png”.
The general syntax: copy<space>/b<space><picture_filename>+<text_filename><space>=<newpic_filename>
Step 8 : Now your folder will contain three files. Delete the latesthackingnews.png and test.txt and keep only myphoto.png. If you open the myphoto.png you will view it as an image file.
Step 9 : Now open “myphoto.png” with notepad. After you opened it scroll down to the end of the notepad and you will find the text which u have hidden successfully inside the image.
Another, easier way:
echo “hidden text” >> image.jpg
Additionally you can append a .rar file to the image and open it with winrar.
copy /b image.jpg+hidden.rar = image.jpg
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