Home Hacking News Samsung Galaxy S8 Iris Scanner Has Been Hacked

Samsung Galaxy S8 Iris Scanner Has Been Hacked

by Unallocated Author

chaos computer club hackers were able to defeat the Samsung Galaxy S8 Iris authentication system with a photo.

The Samsung Galaxy S8 first was released on April 21, 2017, and it has various biometrics-based authentication systems, containing face recognition, a fingerprint scanner, and an iris scanner. The iris authentication feature enables users to unlock their device and approve payments, The iris feature announced by Samsung as “one of the safest ways to keep your phone locked.”

The CCC group demonstrated the exploit and said that first of all, you need a camera that can capture infrared light. The following video show an old Sony camera is used, these models had a night shot mode that allowed you to capture photos using the same sort of tech as night vision goggles. Once a good photo has been captured for the user’s eyes, you can then print the photo using a laser printer. In the video, they used a Samsung printer.

It is not the first time that somebody has targeted the biometrics features of the Samsung Galaxy S8. Several weeks ago someone was able to bypass the smartphone’s face recognition system simply by showing it a picture of the targeted user’s face.

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