Home Did you know ? Should you select Azure Functions or AWS Lambda?

Should you select Azure Functions or AWS Lambda?

by Mic Johnson

One of the important components of the reliability plan of any app is what needs to be done if any provider is down. If you find that AWS is not responding, your app will get affected. Apps that consider this in their designs will frequently require depending on to federate functionality of a third party for ensuring the highest reliability. AWS Lambda is known to be a platform of serverless code execution. It is a Function-as-a-Service platform. Creating upon all containerization concepts, it makes use of AWS Machine architecture for decreasing containerization scope, allowing you to move along each functionality pieces separately in the app at will. Microsoft is known to be the newest player in the serverless domain. With the launch of Microsoft Azure Functions, they became a part of this surrounding. By adding such an on-demand function of the server-side, the Azure platform was augmented with the potential of running arbitrary code in temporary execution surroundings. Read along to get an idea to select one among the two. 

Proper idea about Azure Functions and AWS Lambda

Language along with supported platforms: The initial item in a serverless provider’s evaluation is finding out the supported languages. Both Azure Functions and AWS Lambda for instance supports Python as well as C#. Moreover, the latter offers support for Java while Azure Functions for PHP as well as F#. Further, both of them run on varied execution platforms; AWS Lambda runs on Linux, and Azure Functions is seen to run in a proper Windows environment. Language needs to be selected remembering which one the development team will be most productive in and the Python and C# support’s cross-section must complement the requirements of the huge web development teams. They both have been continuously expanding the offering of their language aid and it will not be stopped until every provider gets very close to language equality. So if the selected vendor does not support the chosen language, then it will not be a great setback as you thought of it any more conventional server-based app. So pick a language that each platform in the architecture of the app support in order to reduce the work required for porting the code among varied FaaS providers. 

Supported function prompts: Both their functions offer active and configurable triggers that can be used for invoking functions on two of the platforms. With AWS Lambda, these get sent from different AWS services. Thus, any API trigger can be configured by making use of API Gateway, a file-based trigger that is based on the Amazon S3 usage. But if you use Azure Functions, you will be provided similar trigger sets. They will be allowed access through one web API and invoke the functions on the basis of a schedule. They also offer triggers from their different services like Azure Storage. 

Final words

Azure Functions and AWS Lambda are almost the same types of services but if you get into the details you will see that virtually every angle is showing few essential differences among the two. Unlikely your selection will be based on these differences. But whenever you need to select one option among these two or if you switch among providers, it is important to get your thinking as well as practices adjusted for matching the peculiarities. Select the options that suit you best. 


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